Representative Angie King (R-Celina)
Representative Derek Merrin (R-Monclova Twp.)
Representative Tavia Galonski (D-Akron)
Representative Josh Williams (R-Sylvania Twp.)
Representative Phil Plummer (R-Dayton)
Representative Steve Demetriou (R-Bainbridge Twp.)
Representative Nick Santucci (R-Howland Twp.)

43rd Annual Governor's Holocaust Commemoration

On April 27, 2023 Governor Mike DeWine hosted the 43rd Annual Governor's Holocaust Commemoration.  It was the first Commemoration at the Statehouse since 2019.

J. David Heller, Past Member of the U.S. Holocaust Council, resumed his role as Master of Ceremonies. After music from OSU Hillel's The Meshuganotes, Governor DeWine had a conversation with Columbus-based Emmy award winning documentarian Mike Edwards about his upcoming film, "A Train Near Magdeburg." Holocaust Survivor Louise Gips of Beachwood spoke about both her and her husband's experiences, and DVS Director  Major General (retired) Deborah Ashenhurst had a conversation with liberator Robert Coyne.  Both Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens and Senate President Matt Huffman provided remarks about the importance of Holocaust remembrance.  Governor DeWine, Louise Gips, and Robert Coyne were joined by Representative Casey Weinstein, Representative Dani Isaacsohn, and "A Train Near Magdeburg" author Matt Rozell for the memorial candle lighting.  To end the program, Rabbi Joseph Schonberger of Youngstown gave the closing benediction.

Special thanks to the U.S. National Guard Color Guard for posting and retrieving colors and to Adjutant General Marjor General John C. Harris for leading the Pledge of Allegiance.


Holocaust Commemoration Coordinators

Kathleen Young-Riley, Central Ohio Regional Liaison, Office of Governor Mike Dewine

Jason Hill, Director of Constituent Affairs, Office of Governor Mike DeWine

Tammy Puff, Military and Veteran Liaison, Office of Governor Mike DeWine

Andrea Brookover, Executive Director, Ohio Holocaust & Genocide Memorial & Education Commission

Howie Beigelman, President & CEO, Ohio Jewish Communities

Catherine Scheller, Director of Operations & Member Relations, Ohio Jewish Communities

Find out more information on the upcoming documentary, including how to support it, here.

Find out more information on the book here.

Download the event program here

Governor Mike DeWine

Mike Edwards, Emmy award winning director of the upcoming documentary "A Train Near Magdeburg"

Louise Gips, Holocaust Survivor

Robert Coyne, Liberator

Major General (Retired) Deborah Ashenhurst, Director of the Ohio Department of Veterans Services

Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens

Ohio Senate President Matt Huffman

Representative Casey Weinstein

Representative Dani Isaacsohn

Rabbi Joseph Schonberger, Youngstown

Matt Rozell, Author, "A Train Near Magdeburg:

Watch the video of the program here

The Meshuganotes

J. David Heller